Early Intervention Strategy: A proactive approach to forest management

Forest Protection Limited (FPL) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) have spearheaded an early intervention program to fight the spread of the spruce budworm outbreak. The project exemplifies the scale and commitment necessary for successful forest management.

With the combined expertise of FPL, MNRF, and aerial treatment application conducted by Clayton Air Service (CAS), this program tackles the spruce budworm outbreak head-on by treating over 300,000 hectares of forested areas over 63,000 square kilometres of northern Ontario.

A fleet of 21 aircraft, strategically stationed across two bases played a crucial role in ensuring the success of this initiative. The collaboration between FPL, MNRF and CAS has proven to be a formidable force in executing the program. With a dedicated staff of 46 personnel, the combined efforts of these organizations have achieved tremendous progress in controlling the spruce budworm outbreak.

Completing this crucial mission within a mere 17 days showcases the efficacy of strategic planning and execution. Despite facing challenges like adverse weather conditions and fire restrictions occasionally necessitating mission cancellation, the team’s dedication is truly commendable.

The positive effects of this early intervention strategy are far-reaching. By addressing potential spruce budworm outbreaks early on, the health and vitality of Ontario’s forest ecosystems are being preserved. This leads to a stronger and more resilient forest ecosystem, providing numerous benefits to the local economy, including a thriving forestry sector, increased biodiversity, and enhanced recreational opportunities.

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Forest Protection Limited and Clayton Air Service extend their deepest appreciation to the dedicated staff involved in this project and all partners like Valent BioSciences for their unwavering support. Together, we continue to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable forest management practices that contribute to the well-being of our environment and economy.

About FPL

Forest Protection Limited (FPL) specializes in the coordination and execution of forest health and pest management programs. With a strong focus on maintaining healthy forests, FPL works closely with government agencies, industry partners, and local communities to implement effective and sustainable forest management strategies.